Cookbook: It's All About Tailgating! A cookbook and more...the story of our football adventure and the power of passion, positivity and purpose.
Patty's experience is that food connects people. She and her husband, Jay, have found through their travels that no matter where you go people have food in common. The cookbook is a collection of the recipes that make up their tailgate of three generations, from family recipes, those she created and ones she has found during their travels. It includes traditional tailgate, sides & salads, desserts, breakfast and non-traditional tailgate fare, as well as photos for every recipe. Included in her cookbook are stories from their adventures and her story of her passion for life and the power of positivity. It's lots of fun! Hope you enjoy the cookbook.
And if you would like to take cooking and baking classes at her Common Goodness Cooking School please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NOTE: Pricing is $29.99 per book with free shipping !!!